Wooden floor in the house of an allergy sufferer

Allergy is a civilization disease that affects more and more children and adults. In the fight against it, it is important not only to treat pharmacology but, above all, to have the right lifestyle – including the materials used by the patient's home. When choosing finishes and decorative materials, it is worth taking natural solutions.

The floor material is very important. It is assumed that in a home where people have an allergy, carpets and rugs should not be placed. It's worth deciding on smooth surfaces that are easy to keep clean. People with allergies and their closest ones are most likely to choose ceramic, stone or panels. However, the best solution will be a wooden floor.

A wooden floor, so which one?

Wood on the floor is easy to keep clean. Simply vacuum and clean the surface with water and a suitable cleaning agent to avoid worrying about the remaining allergens, especially dust mites. Wooden floors are anti-static, they don't get static, do not attract dust. The size of the board, the wider and longer it is important, the less joints that can accumulate dust, and which are more difficult to clean. For this reason, a board floor will be a better choice than a parquet floor. Our customers are offered boards up to 9 mb in length, the longest available on the market.

Wood has another important advantage, unlike ceramic or stone, that is warming the interior. When you decide to use a wooden floor, it's easy to leave your carpets covered.

Exotic wooden floors have many advantages. They are beautiful, very durable and give your room a unique touch. However, domestic, Polish wood will be a better choice for the home of allergy. Boards made of exotic wood, especially of hard species, often contain essential oils. These substances may, but do not necessarily, sensitize people who are particularly sensitive and it is worth being aware of this by choosing a wooden floor. If the customer wants an anti-allergy floor, we usually recommend boards from our Polish trees. Oak or Ash floors are particularly recommended. They will be extremely durable and abrasion resistant. The final choice can depend on your own taste and the nature of the interior.

